Autism Awareness Charity Run/Walk
- Details
- Written by Administrator
Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behaviour. It is four times more likely to affect males than females and these signs usually begin before a child is three years of age.
Autism is said to be the fastest growing special-needs disorder in the world. Although it is hard to find exact statistics on autism, researchers estimate that autism affects about 1 in every 110 children. It has also been estimated that approximately 40,000 children and adults suffer from autism in Sri Lanka and the numbers are increasing each year. Unfortunately, unlike in other countries autism is unheard of by majority of the population in Sri Lanka. Hence, there are hardly any facilities or proper treatment provided for these children and due to lack of awareness they are often misunderstood by the community.
In order to address this issue Colour My World has organized a 3 mile charity run commencing and returning back to Independence square on the 22nd of October at 08.00am in order to create awareness in Sri Lanka. This would also be a stepping stone for our long term goal in introducing the Son-Rise® Programme as a powerful and effective method of helping children and adults diagnosed as autistic. An information stall will be available at the event.
Download the registration form : Click Here
Click Here to join with Autism Awareness Charity Run/Walk Facebook fan page.
For more information please contact Tel No: 0776 531 499/ 0777 040 125 or drop a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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