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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

The Mane 4

The Mane 4

A one of a kind batch party which was exclusively presented by the 2005 A/L batch of Mahanama College “The Mane 4” was a huge success and it was not just another party.
In the sands of mount beach, with the breeze of mount air, the party did rock the whole night of 16th march 2013, starting at 6pm in the California beach hotel premises with a lot of fun events being grabbed out, with the best of music from DJ Ryan.
The party was only for the batch mates of 2005 A/Ls of Mahanama College.The dress code of beach wear did probably add some extra fun while the applauds were directly going to the organizers.
Captured By Tharindu Rankothge
Official Photographer at

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