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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

La Fest - Batch Party of Musaeus College - Class of 2023

On 25th of April at the Grand Ballroom of the renowned Waters-edge, Musaeites of the 2023 batch took things to a whole new level by celebrating their ever lasting journey as Musaeites, one last time together as a batch. The batch party or lafest’23 was definitely an unforgettable night for all Musaeites who attended as the ballroom flooded with dazzling sarees and sweet laughter, golden nostalgia and electrifying music.Not to mention the dancing and singing items choreographed and performed by the Musaeites themselves that escalated the event to a wave of cheers and applause. Adding to that the Pageant element of La fest’24 was indeed exciting and exhilarating as many Musaeities took part and enjoyed to the fullest while also passing the heartiest congratulations to all the Beauty Queens of the night. Popular social media influencers like Senali De Silva and Sasindu Naveen were invited as the judges of the pageant and their contribution was much appreciated.
La Fest - Batch Party of Musaeus College - Class of 2023

On 25th of April at the Grand Ballroom of the renowned Waters-edge, Musaeites of the 2023 batch took things to a whole new level by celebrating their ever lasting journey as Musaeites, one last time together as a batch.

The batch party or lafest’23 was definitely an unforgettable night for all Musaeites who attended as the ballroom flooded with dazzling sarees and sweet laughter, golden nostalgia and electrifying music.Not to mention the dancing and singing items choreographed and performed by the Musaeites themselves that escalated the event to a wave of cheers and applause. Adding to that the Pageant element of La fest’24 was indeed exciting and exhilarating as many Musaeities took part and enjoyed to the fullest while also passing the heartiest congratulations to all the Beauty Queens of the night. Popular social media influencers like Senali De Silva and Sasindu Naveen were invited as the judges of the pageant and their contribution was much appreciated.

25th April 2024
6pm onwards
Waters Edge, Grand Ballroom

Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!

Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!
Note: The photos in the following album might be unavailable due to a suspension caused from a server overload due to the high amount of viewership we have received on our photo albums. We offer our sincere apologies for the inconvenience. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue!

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