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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

Xtaztic 2013

Xtaztic 2013

Xtaztic 2013
Xtaztic 2013, organized by the United Nations Club of S. Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia, had everything from ABC to XYZ of an evening full of pure talent and entertainment in the eyes of those who appreciate good music in any genre. CR & FC was booming to the sounds of different tastes and different talents in the music industry with performances from S. Thomas' College students as well as other artists who are known in the Sri Lankan music arena.
The wonderful evening came to an end with the Sheriffs getting the crowd pumped up to their heart thumping beats. Universal Sounds doing a great job with the sounds which clearly made the concert as good as it was.
Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: CR & FC

Photographed By : Roma Dominguez
Official Photographer at

Photographed By : Poorna Seneviratne
Official Photographer at

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